Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Oops, two weeks later

No, I haven't died of covid, I have just been grumpy because I'm not in NZ and very tired all the time. It has been a very flat couple of weeks. A weekend at the beach definitely helped - I didn't go for any walks but sat on the beach when it was warm enough, did a lot of sewing, and met up with friends for brunch. Which was all fine but I will be glad when I am back to full puff again. Between this and the flu it has been quite a lethargic couple of months.

On the way down I did a drive by this house and this house. We are not going to buy either of them - just scouting locations - but the locations were quite lovely, even on a very wintry day. Big sky, lots of space, wind whipping over the tundra :) 

Sunday was a beautiful day, although fiercely windy. The creek (and the ocean) were a gorgeous clear green and I might have been tempted to swim if it hadn't been so very cold. And I was a bit worried that the cold water would knock out what little air I had left, and leave me gasping more than usual.  

We are gearing up for the opening of parliament next week, which is always interesting although with the covid cases in Australia just continuing to go through the roof it might turn into a super spreader event! I had hoped it would have burned out by now and we'd be over masks and screens but it's not looking like that will happen any time soon. 

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, these houses are expensive. They wouldn't cost nearly as much here, in the country at least. They might, in Edinburgh. On the other hand, they're very unBritish houses so... Pam
