Monday, August 23, 2021

The days blur

Still in lockdown, still meandering through the days ... I do some work, and some washing, and go for nice walks. Remote learning for school starts properly today, which is not thrilling number two, and uni lectures have gone on-line reasonably smoothly, allowing for a few technical hitches. You would think that engineering lecturers would have a handle on technology, but apparently not. Social life is down, internet use is up, crafting is encouraged, family interaction is avoided and we are all trying not to doom-scroll. But failing, especially now NZ is a shit-show as well. This is going to take MONTHS. Here is a picture of an empty golf course on one of the many walks.

And our cleaner can't come, which is a first world problem if I ever heard one, but this is something I have always felt extremely grateful for, and the house is looking a little frayed around the edges. I did my bathroom and decided to give it an absolutely thorough going over - our cleaner is really good but we don't pay her scrubbing-the-light-fittings-with-a-toothbrush money. That is the kind of thing you have to do yourself. 

So I did, the ceilings, walls, pipe fittings, exhaust fan, corners of the shower screen ... it took hours but was very satisfying. Although I did realise what a dodgy job the bathroom guys did - I mentioned that the ceiling went mouldy and flaked in about a year. Well, I sugar soaped my re-paint job and it looks brand new after three years. It's not that hard! Every fitting that's attached to the wall wobbles, the pipe covers are coming away, the blue dye is ingrained into the back of the toilet ... perhaps we shouldn't have gone with the cheapest quote.

So the state of my bathroom is the most exciting thing to report this week. My husband had a birthday with basically no presents and no fancy dinner although the takeaway was delicious.  Parliament is back this week so I have to show my face at work and literally show my face, they are doing temperature checks at the door. What a world.


  1. That's Federal - I've walked around there. It's almost spring-like here. I went to (belatedly) repot the strawberries and quickly ran out of potting mix. Then I thought of all the seedlings I would usually be buying in the next six weeks and found some packets of seed and seed raising mix so I might have a vege garden.

  2. Hmm. Whereas we're all free. For now...
