Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Canberra's luck has finally run out, and after a year of no cases there are enough festy bastards to put the entire city into lockdown. Well, there was originally only one of course, but he was a socially active young man who went to enough places to panic the authorities! So they slammed us into lockdown, more cases popped up, we're holed up for at least three weeks, and on it goes.... this happened Thursday afternoon and I was taking an extra day off to have a long weekend at the beach and it totally crossed my mind to leave work early and hightail it down the hill to the coast! But I didn't, because it would have been an asshole move, which was right in hindsight because all of NSW has since locked down as well, but I was very much looking forward to it, and now I'm grumpy. 

So here are photos of me going for walks. Different walks, same top, same hat. This is the first lockdown we've had, and it's reasonably strict - only allowed to leave the house for essential supplies, healthcare, essential work and one hour of exercise ... schools are closed for a few days while they sort themselves out, and university is all on-line. My husband and I are mildly essential, but are working from home for now, until the point at which we have to go in. 

My life is so quiet that it's not really making much difference, and the washing is up to date for the first time in months. Canberra is about one third fully vaccinated with another third or so having had one dose, so should be sorted soon! Or not, oh well. The wattle are very beautiful at the moment, it must be early spring. Still frosts though, and I've only pruned half the roses...


  1. You have no doubt heard that we have gone into Lockdown here too after about a year out of it. The most important bit is having plenty of supplies in for your favourite hobby or DIY project. Do you think you have enough?

  2. Why is Australia so far behind in the vaccinations? I mean, I realise that you haven't had much Covid. But still... We've all been fully vaccinated for months. (Well, I say all... not the young ones, so much, though they could be.)

  3. Thanks for you explanations (on my blog). I see! How very trying.
