The weekend was fun though; I went and saw Kitty Flanagan (Australian comedian, very funny if slightly sweary) with some friends and we went for dinner first ... had drinks with other friends and heard all about their three weeks in Europe ... went to the movies with another friend as a last minute fill-in to see Ladies in Black which is an Australian movie that was very sweet. Both of the boys went to separate Halloween parties on Saturday night which they both enjoyed - they didn't really dress up much. I believe number one went as "existentialism" which went over as well as you might expect. Number two said the highlight of his party was a guy dressed up as a strawberry with a needle inside (cardboard tube covered in tinfoil). You kind of had to be here for that one, but if you were, HILARIOUS.
This was the big moon when I came out of the movies. Very spectacular (terrible photo).
No photo either.