Monday, December 4, 2023

More rain, more beach

 Last week was the last full parliamentary sitting week of the year - lots of shouting and lots of busy as they tried to get everything through before Australia shuts down for six weeks. So we all exhaustedly went down to the beach on Friday (me, husband, cat) even though the weather forecast was dire. 

It did indeed rain and rain. A couple of storms, lots of drizzle, some windows of clear air. There had been a massive swell so the beach was covered in seaweed. On Sunday it had been swept out a bit so there were just those wonderfully attractive mats of barely-submerged weed in the surf line. Yucky ... and not at all helped by the local Facebook group posting all the pictures of washed up yellow-bellied sea snakes. Very unusual - they live well out to sea and are quite shy - but I don't want seaweed brushing up against my legs in the water. Aaaargh.

So we hit peak laziness on the weekend with nothing useful done at all. Books were read, food was eaten, wine was drunk (cracked open the wine box advent calendar! it was delicious, thank you in-laws, outstandingly good idea) ... I did a bit of painting but no sewing or anything difficult.


  1. Like the ones we saw in Raboul - did he ever tell you about them?

  2. Australia shuts down for six weeks?
