Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Drawing cars badly

The guy on "Creative Drawing Techniques for Beginners" suggests drawing things we don't usually enjoy, or aren't very good at ... which is fine for him but doesn't narrow down the field much for me. But he said for him it's cars, which sounds reasonable, so I spent a few hours drawing cars.

Drawing cars badly.

On the health front, we are feeling much better. Number one came back from Sydney after a very light dose, I get out of quarantine tonight but I'm not sure about going back into work (still coughing, and very tired). I am very bored though. No housework has been done. The new suitcases we bought on Saturday morning ten days ago are still sitting in the lounge room, waiting. Newly. It's very sad.


  1. Car toons? I like the VW and the Deux Chevaux - you have captured their degeneracy quite nicely. It's all the kids (boys) drew when I was young. Now you can go on to boats and see if you can get them to sit in the water instead of on it. Shame about the cases. I must take a photo of the winter pansies I have in baskets and in the garden specially planted for the occasion. Specially, that's sad too. However we have therefore still got it all to look forward to in the Spring so think cheerful.

  2. You sound as if you have a very nice dad. I had... an interesting, extremely clever, and well-meaning (on the whole) but difficult one. I think your cars are great! Pam
