Friday, December 20, 2019

Trip around the world baby

Sadly not "It's a trip around the world, baby!" as an early christmas present, but a scrappy trip around the world baby quilt for a pregnant lady here at work. It is made entirely from leftovers from other projects, which is suitable, as she is very good at recycling and sustainability.

Held up by  number two son inside, because it has been obscenely hot and smokey. There are a lot of big fires to the east, and when we get an easterly the smoke rolls in. The air quality is officially 'hazardous' and Australia had its hottest ever day this week. Roads to the coast are closed and likely to be so for some weeks off and on due to active fires and trees on the road ... all a bit depressing. Luckily I have so much work to do that I'll be in the office pretty much every day until the end of January, so at least I'll get airconditioning.

This quilt turned out very pretty and cheerful. And won't show the stains!!! Babies, hahahaha....

1 comment:

  1. The news we get here from Australia is heartbreaking! I hope you get some rain soon. (Mind you, we get plenty of rain but our political situation is dire...) Nevertheless, happy Christmas to you and yours. Well done to those boys. I can't believe they're so big already. And before you know it, they'll be up and away like mine (sob). Enjoy them while you have them. xx
