Monday, February 13, 2023

Summer knockabout dress

Another weekend of 30+ degree days has seen me back at the beach and back in the surf ... doing absolutely nothing and it's great. We are in the throes of lawyers and banks and councils - the building file for the house we are buying has nothing on it prior to 1998 so we have excellent approved plans for the garage. But just the garage. 

I wouldn't expect to see much for the original house but there have been various extensions over the years so surely something had building approval? Surely? After discussions and inspections we are going to go ahead anyway - it's all been standing for at least forty years and the council is notoriously bad at recordkeeping - but it is time-consuming and stressful. Which is why I was at the ocean again.

And this is the ramshackle cotton dress I've been wearing on the weekends - I wash it, leave it over the drying rack with two pairs of togs, two rashies, a beach towel and some undies - then come down next weekend and wear it all over again. I made this dress a couple of years ago because I liked the fabric but thought it was a bit much to actually wear. Until now, when I no longer give a shit about what I look like, and would rather be comfortable.

It has awesome great big pockets to carry around keys, phone, bobbins, snacks and other things I pick up at one point and forget to put down. I feel like the great-aunties. They would bustle in "where do you keep your pinnies Betty" (on a hook on the back of the door to the hot water cupboard) then put one on, do all the dishes, and put all sorts of random things in the enormous apron pockets in case they needed it during the day. Hanky? Pen? Clothespeg? Bottle of Silvo? Aspirin? Teatowel? All in the pockets.


  1. The hook behind the door in the laundry, I reckon. There have only ever been two racks on the hot water cupboard door. Makes a good story though. Which great aunts do you remember? And it's a Betty dress.

  2. Apparently it's relatively common here for house sales to be held up because the required paperwork for all those extensions (DIY disasters etc) doesn't exist and has to be completed retrospectively. Must remember that when we come to sell...
