Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Weekend in Wollongong

For the first time in a long time we left our twin hubs of Canberra / the beach and ventured to Wollongong ... only about a three hour drive, so not very far. It was the NSW Scale Model Show and my husband entered three of his wee planes so me and him decided to make a weekend of it. Not very exciting but frankly I will take any kind of trip at the moment.

Wollongong is a town of about 300,000 people on the coast south of Sydney - jammed between beautiful surf beaches and the escarpment with a port and some kind of steel refinery (I can't be bothered googling to find any more out). The weather was a bit windy on Saturday but it didn't stop at least four bridal parties trying to take photos on the headland! They must have been freezing.

We stayed in a random air bnb unit in the suburbs, which was fine, ate delicious burgers for dinner at a very hip restaurant and generally enjoyed pottering about. Saturday afternoon  my husband spent a few happy hours at the model show while I poked about the shops, and then on Sunday we went to a dodgy local markets, up the escarpment to the lookout and then explored some of the beaches.

The weather was exquisite, and the surf looked good, but a bit wild for me. There are some offshore reefs that make for interesting swells ... and it was cold. Sunny, but cold.

My husband won his class in the comp, which he was pleased with, and the kiddies had a quiet time without us and didn't cause any damage. Nice to get away for a while!


  1. That was a nice weekend. You needed the wool and he got the gong.

  2. Wollongong is not a name you'd find over this side of the world. Mind you, we do have Auchtermuchty, Auchenshoogle, Ecclefechan, Kirkcudbright (pronounced Kir-coo-bree) and so on...
