Monday, February 8, 2021

Even more beach

It is still summer despite back to work and back to school so this weekend was another beach weekend - just lovely and back to uncrowded. Saturday I woke up to heavy rain - and it rained for most of the morning - so I went into Bateman's Bay and pottered about the shops. I haven't done this for ages and it was fun, although I think there are more small businesses closed than there were last time I did this (about three years ago). The double hit of bushfires and corona virus would have really hurt a lot of businesses down there, although I don't think BB is very big on the international tourist circuit.

In the afternoon the rain lifted but I wasn't tempted into the water. It was a big swell and the sea was quite angry-looking so I just had a nap and read a book instead. Luckily Sunday was WONDERFUL - clear skies, hot and still a big swell but an interesting rather than threatening one! Caught some great waves and still had time for a nap before heading back up the hill and taking the poor neglected children out for dinner. Such a good weekend.

And today's photo from the vault is from 1997 - three of my (older) sister's children including the twins who were about 18 months old then - and my grandma (my mother's mother) who would have been 93 at the time, and by the looks of it enjoying having great-grandchildren ... although I think I am restraining the twinnies from also climbing up for a cuddle. They were energetic little critters.


  1. That photo is so timely, I've spent the weekend doing genealogy stuff with Sam. Visited cousin Peter and talked lots about Grandma, then visited a friend of Cathleen's at Ohiwa so have a photo of Sam with Ducker's Island in the background.

    In the twins' defense, I don't think they were particularly active critters, its just there were 2 of them :-)


  2. That is such a lovely photo I don't remember seeing before/ Dargaville? Te Kauwhata?
