Monday, April 6, 2020

Painting the kitchen

We had a busy weekend re-painting the kitchen. It is now all done other than the last bit of painting - floor down, all the appliances connected, benchtops in and the tiling done - so we were very keen to get the last job done and move everything back to normal! Our temporary kitchen has been doing a fantastic job, but I am getting a bit sick of having everything from the kitchen and family room in boxes or on shelves or just lying around squashed into one of the other rooms.

So this weekend we wrapped all the new stuff in multiple sheets of plastic and repainted the ceiling and walls. New architraves and cornices needed priming, and being a kitchen everything needed a good solid sugar soap scrubbing. And didn't it come up nicely! There was quite a bit of filth on the ceiling, which we had been ignoring. We always thought our ceiling and walls were white, because they looked white, but when we painted an actual white on them it was clear that they were all quite cream. So it is much brighter than it used to be - we also got new lights, that are very shiny and bright - but hopefully not unworkably so. When we move the furniture back in it all that brightness might just show how crappy our stuff is ....

So it took most of the weekend to do the various preps and coats. Because we have brick, and timber framing, and beams holding the house up there are a lot of strange little corners and bodgy bits of wood here and there, that make painting a challenge. My "oh ffs just paint over it nobody will notice" threshold is much lower than my husband's, so I have learnt to go with what he thinks and it makes it much nicer in the end!

Just one more coat on a cornice today and then we can give it a proper good clean, including all the cupboards and windows, god builders are filthy, and start moving everything back in. In other boring household news, the downstairs toilet overflowed on Friday, meaning literal shit everywhere and much plumber expense. Never a dull moment here, lockdown or no lockdown.


  1. I guess that finickity threshold is why he does model planes and you do quilts? It looks like an amazing team effort, heaps of work - please can we have photos when the furniture does go back in?

  2. None of that sounds tremendous fun, particularly the toilet thing.
