I needed a weekend at the beach to lick my wounds after a truly dreadful job interview on Friday. It was for an internal promotion, and I did far and away the worst interview of my entire life; froze, blanked and just couldn't recover. So hideous, and in front of my current bosses, so super embarrassing. I spent the weekend alternately squirming with horror flashbacks and being so angry and cross with myself. Everyone I have spoken to has tanked one interview in their lives, so I know I'm not alone, but boy did I need a bit of quiet time by the seaside to recover.
Saturday was hot so I went in for the first swim of the season and the water was ICY. I had a wetsuit on, and stayed in for the best part of an hour, so it can't have been that cold I suppose, but the first dip was a shock. There was a big swell though, and I caught a few waves. So very very lovely to be in the ocean again. I'm going to be very busy with work this summer (even in my so-not-promoted role, hah) so I don't know how much time I'll get at the beach, but it will still be there for the summer after. And after that. Until retirement....
Well, you get a lot of sympathy and (if I may be so bold) a bloggy hug from me. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think and even if it was, blow the lot of them. Your real life is full of nice family and interesting activities. Roll on retirement (though old age, not so much...).