Friday, March 1, 2019


I spent a day and a bit in Melbourne this week, and it was very sunny and clear and lovely. Melbourne can be quite unpredictable on the weather front so I was very pleased, especially because we got a stroll in the evening before heading back to Canberra.

My stroll may have taken me past the excellent Morris and Sons, which is a very very nice wool shop. With lots of very very nice wool. I bought some variegated lace weight that I think will go with the blue of the latest batch of mohair/silk. Now I just have to make sure there is less working and more weaving.

And no Pam, I don't do the dusting. Nobody really dusts in our house, except occasionally the fortnightly cleaning lady, although she focuses more on the real filth. But my life certainly contains plenty of soul destroying housework and mindless tasks... while that red and blue wool was boiling I cooked dinner, unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned up two dog vomits, but who wants to read about that? Nobody, that's who.

1 comment:

  1. Aha, you do have staff! I quite like dusting, really. Fortunately we have no dogs, vomiting or otherwise, so that's not a problem, and my husband now vacuums (though not very thoroughly). And he empties the dishwasher. But I do everything else apart from the emergency stuff like unblocking toilets (a rare occurrence) or removing dead things such as birds who fly at the windows, being unaware of the concept of glass.
