Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday again

And before you know it it's Monday again - I am not sure what happened to that week! I do know really, because I was off work sick for two days with some kind of bug that made me very tired and a bit wobbly. So lots of sleeping and not much else, and the weekend was very quiet as well.

I dropped my Dad back to the airport on Sunday which was a stress nightmare because the airport was having an open day, and it took us an hour and a half to go the last 3 km, in increasing frustration, and Dad missed his flight. Luckily the airline was very understanding (we weren't the only half-mad wild-eyed passengers that morning) and he got home to NZ eventually without having to pay any more, but honestly Canberra is meant to be free of this kind of nonsense! It's a pay-off for the small town tedium that is our normal existence. 

But there was a bit of sewing - I finished the  orange and purple cross blocks and put them together. They look very cool - at this stage I don't want to do a border so it's not a big quilt, but I might put it aside for a while and then see how I feel when it's time to quilt it.

One other thing Dad and I did was go to the Tom Roberts exhibition at the National Gallery - it was fantastic! What a wonderful talent, and able to switch between all sorts of types of art with equal felicity ... both Dad and I really enjoyed it. It helped that I am 5'10'' and Dad is 6'3" so we could get a good view of everything. And we felt quite young and sprightly (ages 45 and 73) compared to the rest of the viewing audience, which is always good.


  1. Oh, goodness. I'm 5'2 and a bit, maybe. Your enviable tallness must be the reason for your extreme quilting ability. That makes sense, doesn't it??(?). In my next life, I shall be tall. And thin.

  2. what is an "open day" at the airport? the quilt looks nice. i don't think it needs borders.
