Saturday, April 5, 2014


I've been in Adelaide, South Australia, this week for work - lots of fun and even useful but exhausting! Talking and listening all day then dinners at the end of it. Excellent dinners (feeling very fat now) but I'm tired and ready to go home in a couple of hours and not talk to anyone at all for at least two days ... although I can't see the family letting me get away with that one.

Most of our meetings were at the newly refurbished Adelaide Oval (sports ground) which I could see from my hotel room. It is very cool. Isn't Adelaide flat? We got the tour one evening after the meeting and it was really quite fascinating - the ground is maybe 120 years old? and they've managed to keep a bit of the historical side of it (not enough, according to the some of die-hard locals we met) and at the same time it's all whizz bang 21st century sports tech.

Adelaide itself is pretty cool too - historical to my Canberra eyes and lots of old buildings - but we really haven't had a chance to do much touristing. Mostly it's just relief that everything went so well (we organise travel and logistics as well as the meeting content) and thinking about the next one!


  1. Nice photos Lynley, Adelaide is deceiving you, as she is not quite as flat as she appears :) a long walk along the Torrens river path would soon make you think otherwise :)

    It sounds quite exhausting so I bet you will be pleased to get home to some quiet (and your own bed)

  2. You do lead an exciting life. Mind you, I'm not sure I can cope with excitement. But you look very well on it!
