Saturday, August 10, 2013

A lovely week

In the end I have had a great week - after the flurry of the first couple of days it has all settled down nicely. My husband is loving life with no parliament and has been home for dinner every night this week. A minor miracle, and there was also a major miracle when both boys managed to complete their science fair projects on time and to a reasonable quality without hysterical nagging from me! What is the world coming to. Even the weather has cheered up with today bright and sunny - still cold, but it is August.

And I blew out the candles on another birthday cake. The birthdays do seem to be rolling around very quickly. My main present was my new sewing machine from six weeks ago but the boys gave me some more essentials of life … thread, chocolates, itunes voucher. And a hairdryer - I asked for one when I realised I was still using the one I got for my fourteenth birthday - it works but not very well. The new one is amazing, apparently hairdryer technology has moved on quite a bit from the 1980s. This one says it produces 90% more ions - I have no idea what that means but my hair is now Perfectly Dry and Very Bouncy.


  1. Happy Birthday, Lynley. Enjoy using all those lovely things.

  2. Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday, dear Lynley!
    Happy birthday to you!

    there, i have sung to you, slightly off tune, but nevertheless with enthusiasm! I hope you enjoyed your birthday very much and have many, many more!

  3. And Happy Birthday from me too.

    If you came to live in Scotland, you would have a summer birthday and could have your party in the garden (well, with any luck). Just a suggestion. Then you could teach me how to make a planned-looking quilt in 20 minutes with odd bits and pieces. Win win idea.
