November's urban sketchers meet-up was down at the Mawson shops - a suburban shopping centre that has a lot of middle eastern grocers, some cafes and an excellent fruit and veg shop. It also has seats, a fountain and enough nooks and crannies to sit and sketch without getting in anyone's way ... dodgy 70s design.
I ignored all of that stuff and did a phone box. I wanted to capture the sheer agressive pinkness of these free / wifi phone boxes - they are really bright. And graffitied. It was an interesting exercise to get the lines down right and then squelch the colour on.
That didn't take two hours so I went back to the fruit and veg market and tried to something completely without lines - not really my style usually - so I put all the colour down first then arranged the more architectural things around it. Not wonderful but it does what I wanted it to do.
As usual there were many wonderful variants as people see wildly different things and then record them in wildly different ways. And, in other departures from normal practice, I went out to lunch with the group afterwards! I joined in on something! SO proud of myself. It was really nice, they are a relaxed chatty group.
Then I went home and turned out the linen cupboard (we have way too many quilts). The cat helped.
So cute.