Coming from beach to home, and from holiday to work, is always a bit rough, but - not going to lie - this has been a tough re-entry. I said at least a dozen times a day in December "that is a 2022 problem" and guess what! It's 2022 and those problems are flocking back home.

I shouldn't say problems really, just things that have to be done, both at work and at home. The termite quote is for nearly $8000, but we have to do it or else the house will fall down. We are taking number two son down to uni next week which involves thought, paperwork, discussion and expense. And of course there is my actual paid work, which is a struggle when I have largely forgotten what I do and especially why I do it. I made notes about the what before I left but the why is still unexplained.

Here are some beach photos to make me feel slightly better. We had all kinds of weather. The waves were so good the last week, and the water temperature was better - although not good enough to make my husband go for a swim! Weirdo. He came back down for the last few days and we had a couple of little outings to other towns, caught up with friends, engaged with the world and other things I had NOT done for a month.

We went down to Central Tilba which is a cute little village with just a main street that is picturesque and Victorian and now has lots of shops that sell hand made soap and leathergoods. We went there in 1995 when friends had given us a weekend away at a bnb as a present which we thought was incredibly sophisticated :) It has become a bit more touristy and glossy since 1995 but basically unchanged.

It sits in beautiful green hills - dairying country, there is a little cheese factory - and would be lovely for retirement although a bit far from Canberra.

I made the quarter cauliflower into dahl and it was delicious. I didn't actually hide behind the sofa from the neighbour but they had been keeping their distance - turns out mum and three teenage daughters all had covid for the week, which explains why they hadn't been chatting! Not severe but still unpleasant, poor things. Number two has had a fractured social life as people get covid then isolate then feel able to have a party again, then someone gets covid and repeat ... He is very focussed on getting to Melbourne so might be staying in his room for the next week, which seems sensible.