Friday, December 27, 2024

Merry christmas

We had a great christmas - traditional for us, doing absolutely nothing. Number two won at 2010s Trivial Pursuit for the third year in a row (it is NOT a game for the over 50s), presents were exchanged, food was eaten and three of us went for an evening walk. 

Number one stayed over for christmas eve and christmas night and it was very lovely to have all four of us in the house again. Boxing Day number two left on an early flight back to Melbourne and the rest of us went out to the Braidwood house to rip the carpet up from the bedrooms before the painters arrive ... it was stinking hot but we got it off the floor OK. Haven't removed the tacking strips yet but that can be a job for another day. Number one thought the house was pretty cool, if a bit peculiar in layout! And picked a room, being the first child to see the place (the two rooms are largely identical, but you know, always nice to get first pick).

The gardens are very shaggy and the house is very echoey and empty, although the tenants left it absolutely spotless. We thought there might be floorboards or something exciting under the carpet ... and there might be but it was a school house for many years so there are very ugly green lino squares emphatically glued to whatever is underneath.

We are not that interested in renovating so will happily carpet over it all again. I like carpet in bedrooms anyway, warmer and quieter.

We had a picnic lunch and headed back into Canberra for drinks with friends. Lots of traffic going the other way, down to the beach. Hopefully we'll get some beach days but there's so much to do....


  1. Golly gosh, moving! I didn't realise that you were going to move so fast. Exciting! And presumably retire also. You don't look nearly old enough. So glad that your Bell's palsy is better.
