Friday, October 11, 2024


Here are some photos from my few days in Perth last week. That all? It feels like months ago. I made it through this week held together by nurofen and coffee, mostly got everything done but sure felt like shit. Let's see, Perth, which I have always found to be Australia's least charming capital city. People from there love it, and it certainly has very beautiful beaches, but who wants a city for its beaches? It's a five hour flight and I've never felt like it was worth it ... although Qantas did kindly upgrade me on the way over so the five hours just flew by. Not as happy as the guy next to me though, who had SEVEN jack daniels and cokes before they cut him off. About five more than he would have got in economy. 

Anyway, in the interests of fairness I took a day off on Monday and gave myself a 'enjoy Perth' day to see if I was just being cranky. It was a glorious sunny 23 degrees with a light breeze, and I had bacon for breakfast, went for a very long walk by the river (beautiful) and then hired an e-bike for an hour to do the 10km bike track loop on both sides of the river. 

It was stunning - not many people about, well maintained tracks, lovely views from every vantage point and, thanks to the wonder that is an e-bike, I barely raised a sweat. OK I thought, this is actually quite a nice place. I gave the bike back, had a cheese scone, went to the art gallery (awesome) and then did a little light shopping. Two thumbs up for Perth, I will have to come back on an actual holiday and do some exploring of the region.

Work itself was busy but quite fun - involved traipsing all over the city which has the usual traffic of somewhere with over two million people and not quite enough freeways - and enough time at the seaside to keep me happy. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm always amused at Australian city or even just district names that are the same as (presumably named after) British ones, and Perth seems one of the most surreal. Perth in Scotland is a pretty, but small town built on a river, with parkland on either side of the river. Not a skyscraper in sight!
