Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sewing room re-do

Not my sewing room in Canberra - still called a sewing room despite no sewing since 2021 - but my dressmaking shambles down the coast. My go-to set up has been to make a tremendous mess on Friday evening, getting out all the patterns and fabrics, setting the machines up on the dining table, putting the ironing board nearby, using the kitchen benches to cut out etc ... having a lovely sew time then tidying up on Sunday afternoon. This works well when it's just me down there but is quite anti-social when there are two of us. Which is happening more and more now I am married to a Retired Gentleman. So - given that the kids aren't coming down either - I have colonised part of the new room (2017, but still new to us) and that will be sewing space. 

It took me most of the weekend because I went through everything and actually chucked out a few bits. Not much, but something, which is better than nothing. There are some patterns that I know I won't make, and some fabric I know I won't use ... but it's hard. I have a chest of drawers which is full, and I think that a full set of drawers is more than enough fabric for anyone, so from now on it will be 'nothing comes in until something goes out'. That is the plan.

I went for a couple of lovely walks and did some painting. All nice and quiet after the family togetherness of the past few couple of weeks. Number two got an early morning flight back to Melbourne on Friday - no-one was super thrilled at a 7 am flight BUT best decision ever to avoid the tech meltdown of Friday afternoon. Airport chaos in Australia (and everywhere else by the sounds of it). 

On my Saturday walk there was a big pod of dolphins frolicking offshore! leaping out of the water, full body nose-stands, splashing and playing. I took a heap of photos that all look like the one below. You might have to take it on trust.

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